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Old 2011-07-21, 23:12   Link #37
Gamilas Falls
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Republic of California
Age: 46
I still want to see that Clark-based 2001 future...even if it is late.

My question would be how to build a colony with what we are using now? Though I just had a thought...use the ISS as a construction platform like they use to use the space shuttle. They will just need to figure out how to link large sections together in something that isn't modules (cause a ring station or a massive cylinder would be more more condusive to attract tourists and business than the little modules the ISS is made up of now...maybe). Though that is only if they decide to make the station actually have a light amount of gravity via rotation.

That would also give the ISS a purpose other than science and just being there. Also give then a reason to keep it up there longer than 2020 or whenever they think they are going to stop using it. A construction habitat and work platform that makes use of those robotic arms and such. Though it is only rated to serve six people long term at the moment.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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