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Old 2011-05-08, 19:41   Link #206
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: London
Age: 31
Originally Posted by TheOre-Sama View Post
Personally? Much prefer ZZ to Zeta.

Spoilers below.

Zeta was awful. I mean to start, let's look at our main heroes, like Kamile, the psychopathic man child. If you watch Linkara and heard his Super Boy Prime voice, I think Kamile fits that voice well. His reactions are always either absurd or over the top. There's an art to writing an emotionally unstable character without it becoming narm. Kamile fails. Then we have the Artist Formally Known as Char, who we're just meant to be in awe of apparently, but, he does nothing for me. He's good now. Yay? Wasn't the biggest fan of him in Mobile Suit Gundam but I'll take him over this version of him, who seems to exist solely to be reveled in. Then there's Scirocco who turns the vast majority of females into his own personal harem. That's his power, he can con women. He's another one we're just meant to kind of be in awe of because there's nothing to his character. There's little to any of these characters.

People seem to think this series is awesome for it's dark tone, but honestly, coming from someone who enjoys darkness in their stories, it's a crutch here. There are a small number of characters with any sort of depth to them, and really, those characters can be seen in the sequel anyway. The series so revels in it's tragedy and darkness that there's no reason to attach to any of these characters, because they are WORTHLESS without a heavy dose of angst. Kamile, Four, Rosamia, The Artisit Formerly Known as Char, etc. can't be even slightly interesting unless they're having a Diablos ex machina strapped to them like a face hugger.

Last but not least, let's talk about the battles. The battles in Zeta are pathetic. There's no real creativity to any of them, and since the story and characters are so shallow, there's not much emotion to any of them either.

ZZ is a huge improvement. I honestly do not mind the lighter tone early on, and some of the comedy is great, particuarly with Mashmryne. He's so hammy and over the top, and unlike in Zeta, we're meant to revel in his ham. His first fight with Judau is particuarly priceless. It also allows the characters to develop a bit before things go to hell for them. We actually have CHARACTERS now, thus making their moments of angst mean something. ZZ also has some creative fight choreography, giving us battles worth watching. The final fight between Judau and Haman in particular is awesome.

Speaking of Haman, she and Bright Noa were the ONLY good characters in Zeta, and they've transfered over fine. Haman makes a great villain in ZZ. People here have commented she focuses too much on Judau-not really. She focused FAR more on Char in Zeta. Even when battling Kamile she doesn't shut up about Char. Least in ZZ she DOES do things other then talk about Judau. We don't need to have the all the characters talking about "ZOMG, KAMILE IS AWESOME" or "ZOMG, KAMILE IS SUCH A REBEL!" like in Zeta. Make a drinking game for Zeta-take a shot for every extraneous comment on how "ZOMG AWESOME" Kamile is. You'll be dead halfway through the series(if you even make it that far), and sadly we do get a bit of that in ZZ(where he suddenly becomes some kind of God o_0)

Let's compare the Puru's to Four and Rosamia. Like stated earlier, the latter two are worthless without wangst. Their characters are so shallowly written that you can't do anything with them other then make them suffer. The Puru's actually get to have times where they're happy, making them much more fleshed out as characters, while still getting plenty of angst, which once again, makes their angst MEAN something. Zeta is much like Evangelion wherein it only pretends to be deep and meaningful when it has less depth then a baby pool. Yet people have called Zeta a masterpiece of Science Fiction.

*gags at typing that last sentence*

I wouldn't even call ZZ a masterpiece of science fiction!

Awful,awful post
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