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Old 2011-05-03, 12:13   Link #23
Lord of Fire
The Voice of Reason
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 47
1. Kyouko - Seemed egotistical and uncaring, but made herself look that way because of her troubled past and showed her true colors after learning the truth about her Magical Girl existence.
2. Homura - Cold and mostly emotionless, yet totally badass
3. Madoka - Remained largely unnoticed for appearing wimpy, uncertain and even a bit of a crybaby, yet totally redeemed herself when she made the one wish that broke the system and made her into a god-like being, taking all of the world's grief on her shoulders.

The only people I never really cared about are Sayaka (made her lead herself by her emotions way too much for my likings and eventually paid the price for her own [partially] selfish desire), and Mami (never really understood why she is liked so much).

Heck, even Kyubey was somewhat likable, despite being the equivalent of a very persistent salesman, or even Mephistopheles himself.
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