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Old 2011-01-23, 20:54   Link #74
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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To be fair, this anime may be the darkest magical girl anime I've seen (closest competitor would be final season of Sailor Moon).

Madoka has put its distinctive mark on the magical girl genre, to its great credit.

However, I just don't like the implication (intentional or otherwise) that magical girl anime is all sugar and spice and everything nice, and Madoka is totally 100% different from that.

It might be 100% different from that caricature of magical girl anime, but it's not 100% different from something like Nanoha.

In fact, if Homura ends up (i.e. is confirmed as) being a socially awkward protagonist that cares deeply for Madoka, then that makes her an awful lot like Fate Testarossa (and Homura/Madoka would become a relationship very similar to Fate/Nanoha).

It's for this reason that I find Himeji's speculations here intriguing, even if I don't fully agree with them.

If Madoka's creators really want to deconstruct the magical girl anime genre piece by piece, making Homura an arrogant antagonistic figure would help a lot there (it would be quite a twist for people expecting her to be Fate crossed with Hitagi from Bakemonogatari).

Not that I expect that, mind you, but it would be interesting if it did happen.
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