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Old 2011-01-19, 15:34   Link #15
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hamburg
Age: 54
Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
Since it's stated that you have to make a wish before becoming a magical girl, this would mean she retired Madoka as her first act as a magical girl.
Not quite - the anime is very vague here. "The wish becomes the soul gem", and you can wish for anything. What if the wish is a one-shot request which can be granted? I don't remember any clause like "lasts as long as you're a good MG".

And yes, I'd consider Homura fully capable to shoulder the burden for someone dear to her.

And if it's true that the contract keeps the wish in existence (still only pure speculation at this point) Madoka would be unlikely take Homura's action kindly.
Why that? At the moment she doesn't even KNOW about it.

Being a MG is obviously a nasty, nasty, NASTY business. Madoka isn't cut out to kill other MGs (which is obviously fairly commonplace - see how Mami implied that she'd kill Homura in other situations). She'd definitely suffer. And if Homura as close/best friend would see her like that, I believe she'd go for it. Homura is much better suited to last in the MG twilight.
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