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Old 2011-01-19, 12:59   Link #13
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
Practically everyone's been putting money on Kyubei being evil and screwing over the magical girls. But I wondered, what if he wasn't completely evil, what possibilities would be opened up?
The first thing is, why is a wish needed before a contract? Why not just give the girl a Soul Gem and let her go witch hunting?
So I thought, what if it's the Soul Gem that manifests the wish and maintains its existence? So the Gem will always be gradually dimming to keep the wish going, and the magical girl will have to hunt witches to keep the Gem lit. If the light dies, the wish goes with, forever.

Another thing, unless it's a mistranslation, note that Mami said "sometimes a witch leaves behind a Grief Seed after being defeated." Which mean there's a possibility of walking away from a victory empty handed, with a dimmer Soul Gem. Net loss.

Assuming Kyuube isn't evil, that seems possible. Though if he really isn't evil, then he and Mami should have no reason to conceal that information from Madoka and Sayaka.

My speculation

I think the Soul Gem represents exactly what it says though: the soul of the bearer. If it becomes completely dark, the bearer turns into a witch. My guess is that Kyuube can only eat (or whatever else he does with it) souls if they become tainted. Kyuube's magic is demonic, so using it means corrupting your own soul. You can only get rid of this corruption by dumping it on somebody else. I also suspect that pure-hearted girl like Madoka and Sayaka are more attractive to Kyuube. Either because these souls end up being more powerful once tainted, or simply because...

Yes, I'm in the Kyuube is evil camp.

Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
3) Madoka's wish as a Magical Girl has been for a great mother and a loving family (50%)

This is a pure speculation now, but it's one that I give an even money bet. Her family is so sugar-sweet-perfect that it feels fake to me. Artificia. Unnatural. If this entire setup had been genuine, why would she want to become a Magical Girl, all warnings notwithstanding?

4) Homura's wish as a Magical Girl was for Madoka to STOP being a Magical Girl (20%)

While I consider it highly likely that Madoka _was_ a Magical Girl, she obviously is no Magical Girl now. And since I'm 99% sure that you can't simply stop being a Magical Girl on your own decision, something drastic must have happened to remove her from the job.

Here, I suspect that it's been Homura's doing. She saw that Madoka was straining and suffering as MG, and she's been taking it upon her to take things upon herself to save her friend. This would not only explain how Madoka got out, it also explains why she's trying so hard to make sure that Madoka does NOT "reenlist" again. She sacrificed herself to let Madoka live her happy life with the family she wished for - she should NOT make the same mistake again.

So, as a pure unsubstantiated speculation, I suspect that Homura and Madoka were close friends in the past while they were normal. Maybe they were living together in an orphanage without parents, and Madoka was suffering under it. So she gave in to Kyubey's temptation to become a MG in exchange for the miracle of having a loving family. But being a MG made her suffer under the system, so Homura jumped in to "save" Madoka, push her out, and take the burden upon her. And after these two miracles, Kyubey is trying to drag Madoka back in - prompting Homura to try to kill him to prevent this from happening.

5) Extremely blatant pure speculation guess: Madoka's eventual miracle wish will be a reset. (5%)

I'd suspect that Madoka will somehow jump in again without voicing a clear wish. Which will eventually be used to break the system.

So, some detail flags I'd be looking for:

- Does Homura have parents (my guess is no)
- Clues on what was Homura's wish (when Madoka asked, she didn't answer but look very sad)
- Clues about a possible past of Madoka WITHOUT family
Interesting ideas, they are pretty different from most speculations, even if there are some similarities. Your last speculation, for example, is what most people -including me- think Homura did in a previous timeline.

A thought: If Homura's wish was for Madoka to stop being a magical girl, then isn't Kyuube breaking the contract by trying to turn Madoka into a magical girl again? I'm not sure he can do that. Assuming what you say is true, then he's totally screwed Homerun over.
Rize and Kaneki
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