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Old 2010-11-27, 06:08   Link #33
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
To quickly answer the above points: the practical advantage japanese media (anime, tv shows, dramas, movies,...) has over textbooks or real lessons is that it is a way of studying when I'm eating or when I'm really tired.

Perhaps the younger folks eat really fast and are never tired, but I spend an awful lot of time everyday either eating or being too tired to study japanese in textbooks. Anime and similar media is really convenient for this, especially when it comes with closed captions.

But it was only a convenience... and it was good while it lasted. As it stands now, a few groups will get closed captions, keep them for themselves and not share with the community, thus depriving japanese learners of that opportunity.

I fail to see how making the closed captions public 1 month after broadcast instead of 1 hour could possibly deteriorate the quality of fansubs, but I repeat that it would be a huge help for students like me.

TheFluff: it would really help if you could upload a zipped version of the last known version of the closed captions. I thank you a million times in advance for this . I have kept in my bookmarks.
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