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Old 2010-11-22, 05:00   Link #22
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: in the land down under...
Probably because only people with a decent level of Japanese will actually be translating?

Though it does make it more difficult for those people, as there will always be words that are a challenge to catch.

I will miss them, since they were good learning tools, but well, I'll make do with watching some episodes a few more times. Or maybe I'll just switch completely to watching dramas...

How Suetsugu Yuki drew the cover for Chihayafuru volume 34

Interview translations etc

You must free yourself from that illusion,
from the illusion that a story must have a beginning and an end.

"No, you are not entitled to your opinion... You are only entitled to what you can argue for.”
- Patrick Stokes

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