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Old 2004-10-07, 02:33   Link #92
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Join Date: May 2004
Question Someone convince me to read it again or I'll go insane... Er... But be honest.

Some questions for anyone who wants to plug this series. I read the first volume a while ago and while it seemed to have a lot of nice things about it (particularly Ruika. A cool, non-annoying female character. It's so nice to see!), I just kept losing interest, I think cause the hollows just weren't very interesting to me and I don't recall much plot having started up yet, either. I guess I kinda just filed it away under the 'another one of those series everyone loves but I don't' category. The thing is, I know it's got to have more to it later, with how long it is, right? Right?! I just didn't want to read more since I knew I'd just get bored again and get angry at myself for reading it since I already knew I didn't like the first volume. Still, I love good shonen series, and hearing everyone excited about the anime makes me want to give it another try. I must have picked up and put down the second volume nearly ten times when I was at the book store, but kept reminding myself I was just going to get frustrated with it.

...So how long does it take for things to start moving? Any idea on what chapter around maybe? And what kind of plot do we get once it starts up? (some small spoilers are ok if nessisary to give a good picture...) Do the bad guys get more interesting? The hollows at that point were just kind of... meh. ....and while I'm at it, what kind of character development does it have usually? I didn't really have any problems with how it was... Just curious. From the first volume I kinda got the impression it was of the type that just had the characters go through some sort of delima, past their fears, make the right choice, another character gets to smile and whisper something like "he's changed off in the corner, till later episodes where while they might mention the event, they don't actually act any different. Plus some just generally trying to make the characters nice and likable. Or is it the type where they do change? Or maybe where they don't but we do see deeper into their personalities as it goes on? Or the kind where lots of the characters have some horribly tragic past that is revealed to us at some point to show why they take care of all the orphaned children, want to become the best swordsman in the land, want to bring death and destruction to all, etc.? (hate that kind with a passion, but maybe it's best to know if it's coming...)

I'm sure I can find more about the plot by looking at the posts in this thread, which I tried a little, but from doing this with other series I can affirm that this is the perfect way to run into mounds of spoilers. Plus people like to talk about series they like, right?

This is why I never post. I go on for five pages for a simple few questions. I should just throw away my password and take away the temptation. Maybe someone should answer me just for the sake of shutting me up. Thanks.
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