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Old 2010-10-06, 19:20   Link #1
Mr Bland
Photographers are sexy.
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Finland
Age: 30
In need of a program for drawing anime style art

Well, I was digging through my closed and uncovered the my virgin unused graphics tablet. I blew the dust off of her and plugged her in to the PC and installed the drivers. So I thought, what program would be good for doing anime style art? I have Photoshop, Painter 11, Fireworks, Illustrator, and of course, the glorious MS Paint.

None really seem to do that great of a job for sketching and doing the anime style art work, since [usually] anime is more vector-esque, rather than finely blended shades of colors. (Yes, I know some artists like Ishikei and Tony use the former, but what I want to start with is something more 'cartoony')

So any suggestions? What do you artists out there prefer? I greatly appreciate all input!

Thanks! :]
I love my 5DII.
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