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Old 2010-10-03, 01:08   Link #86
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Iceland
Okei Iv bin reading alot of spoilers recently and since Iv neither read the manga, and there have bin 4 diffrent light novels. So which one isint that the anime follows? or is the anime just drifting and drifting further and further from the light novel.

Iv read the first chapter of the manga and I have to say that it did not start remotely like the anime. So I can assume that its not following the manga.

And another question, iv also read that Ryner looses his Alpha stigma, but it turns out if im not correct that the Alpha stigma was more like blocking his true powers so when he looses the Alpha stigma, he becomes alot more powerful? Am I reading it wrong or is it about 50/50 accurate?

You also mentioned something about Ferris at the end of the Light novel. What happens, I would really like to know since the chances of me reading the light novel is about 0.0001%.

But still my curiosity always manages to overwhelm me :P
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