Thread: A Laugh A Day
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Old 2003-12-03, 00:55   Link #22
A.S.S. Vice President
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: i dont know can you help me
Age: 34
"What's wrong Adam?"

Adam replies "Well this is great and all, but I see all these animals with compainions and they seem really happy. It makes me feel really lonley sometimes. Can't I have a companion too?"

God thinks about it for a few minutes then says "O.K, I'll let you have a companion to walk with you that will be a perfect compliment to you in every way. But it'll cost you both of your arms and a leg."

Adam thinks to himself; "I don't know, if I don't have arms I won't be able to hold anything or pet the animals. And I'll get really tired of hopping around everywhere on just one leg. It just doesn't seem worth it."

So Adam says to God, "What can I get for a rib?"
nice one finfang does anyone else get it i would think you do although a lot didnt get the brose joke so....
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