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Old 2010-03-26, 01:04   Link #6
The Procrastinator
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: it's too dark to tell...
I'm actually surprised. I would have guessed Naruto would have gotten a live action movie deal before Bleach or maybe even One Piece, though that's slim. So to actually see Warner Bros. take Bleach over Naruto which widely more popular and a bigger cash cow truly baffles me.

I am happy but at the same time really scared because I know this movie is going to be terrible. I hope it won't, but I know it will. There's no way this movie could be good. Now if it does end up being good, I'll come back to this thread and state that I was wrong, but I highly doubt that I am. Let me see the cast first and who's directing and then I might change my mind, but right now I'm pretty sure this movie isn't gonna do well.
Speical thanks to Haladflire65 for the awesome Signature
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