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Old 2010-02-26, 22:21   Link #1541
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
I'm also really curious where the author went. I can't wait to see what other stories she might make!

Also, there's something I want to say to those who were upset with the ending. Like Vexx said before, all of the girl's aren't just here to entertain the male. In most of the stories in which you have multiple endings, the male is usually the one that helps support the female character while remaining largely independent or well off. While you can't tell as much in the anime, in the light novels (due to more inner dialogue) it's a lot more obvious how important Taiga was to Ryuuji.

From the anime, you might get the impression that Taiga was immature, and needed Ryuuji's "skills" just to survive. However, while that's true, Ryuuji, in another way, needed Taiga to "survive". In the beginning of the series, Ryuuji really was going nowhere in life (I think this was mentioned before). His primary concern at the beginning of the series was his looks, he had a single mother and he had no plans to attend college. His "love" for Minori was a complete crush; he knew little to nothing about her. Once Taiga came into his life, she sort of gave him a direction. Sure, it wasn't exactly one he chose for himself, but seeing her and how helpless she was became the driving force that developed Ryuuji and moved him forward. His "outcast" status had sort of left him with a depressed outlook toward life, with no motivations. Seeing another outcast like him in Taiga helped him pick up his life from the sort of sulking stasis that it was in.
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