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Old 2009-12-06, 13:38   Link #52
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Originally Posted by Xander View Post
The problem with conspiracy theories is that for every little thing they get right a dozen others are all wrong.

In any event, you don't need to go quite that far. All Sunrise and Bandai need to do is look at their own figures and notice what franchises are actually making them money. Gundam? Yes. Code Geass? Yes. You get the idea.

This doesn't mean something good or at least interesting can't be produced in order to get more of that money, but let's not fool ourselves: anime is a business. This isn't a new development and it's not going to change.

I hope whatever is going to come next is worth my attention, but I'm not expecting masterpieces here.

Honestly though, I don't want to sit here and speculate about what is or isn't canon without more information.
Which is precisely my point (about the money making element).
What makes Code Geass so popular?
With Gundam it was the mecha, the Gundam itself that made the show popular (which is why every single Gundam series has Gundams in it).
But that isn't the case with Code Geass IMHO.
The KMFs don't make it popular.
Geass isn't what made it popular.
It was Lelouch.
Sunrise could wack every other character in the show except for Lelouch and a new series would sell (well they might need CC as well since she's pretty damn popular also).
Like you say Xander, it's money that's driving this not story, or continuity, or literary etiquette.
Just profit.
Thus I am of the opinion (and I really hope I'm dead wrong on this) that we'll see a sequel to R2 with Lelouch in it rather than a new story or retelling.
I'm cynical I know, but Sunrise has done this kind of thing since the original Gundam series and it's been very profitable for them so why would they change their marketing strategy now?
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