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Old 2009-11-11, 11:24   Link #17
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
This season was risky, because Horo becomes a largely unsympathetic character (unless you are a blind fan, which I can understand). Thankfully, Lawrence's development more than makes up for it, and some of the earlier secondary characters are very strong. The second half of the season is certainly more flawed than the first, as others have pointed out the pacing is questionable (although I have not read the novels, so can't have a useful opinion).

The writing seems a little more contrived this season, and the situations border on being incredulous, but that's basically par for the course in most love stories. Personally I found the "will they won't they" aspects to be obnoxious after a while, and the flirty games became more aggravating than anything else. But it was redeemed, and now the story has the potential to move in less annoying directions.

Overall, it's no better or worse than the first season. Visually and aurally I can't fault it too much because it's clear that it has next to no budget. I preferred the first season's op/ed, but not by much. The dialogue is still sharp, and the fansubs are still having trouble with it (Mazui are the least aggravating to me). There are too many flaws to give it a high score, but it is still a strong sequel and one of the few summer '09 anime I consider worth watching at all. 7/10.
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