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Old 2009-10-02, 03:36   Link #6
Somehow I found out
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 40
My review.

I'm kinda buying into the argument that seems to crop up frequently when this new season of Spice and Wolf is discussed, and that's the question of whether it's as good as the first season. My opinion is that it's not, but it's still a good anime. The character and relationship development is ramped up this season which, in my opinion, is almost a requirement for sequels (almost), and the directing and music are superb. But I had problems with the script, particularly the fact that it's reasonably obvious that they're not going to rock the established equilibrium too hard at this stage. One has a fair idea that, whatever happens, at the end of the an arc, Lawrence and Horo are still going to be together, and are still going to be traveling, and this probably isn't going to change anytime soon (until at least next season... if there is one). So there's a certain amount of predictability to how certain things pan out, knowing that they're not going to disturb the equilibrium by too much, and each arc will end in a way not too revolutionary different from how they began.

"Good" 7/10
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