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Old 2009-09-30, 08:33   Link #89
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Originally Posted by Hanfresco View Post
I see some comments saying Horo dragged an injured Lawrence into the middle of a rebellion. He got hit on the cheek bone. Big deal.
You're right in that it looks superficial, but he was coughing/sneezing up blood. I'm sure Horo would detect if the wound was major, but the point is that she's not relenting for even a second

She punched him pretty hard in that wound, nearly knocking him out, and then kicked him in the chest.. you'd think she would have the heart to let him rest a few more minutes before dragging him outside into the snow, a rebellion, and possibly onto a ship to chase Abe

My guess is that every minute counts, so ultimately it doesn't bother me. But it was rather funny to see her push Lawrence like that, and to see him go along with it like he expected it all along. Knowing Lawrence, he is probably very happy that she is doing this. I'm betting he is secretly thrilled that Horo is acting this way.
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