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Old 2009-09-24, 09:24   Link #20
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: .nl
Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 View Post
So now that I've finally realized that the second season is over and I have to wait an entire fucking year for season 3, I'm going to roll myself into a fetal position and cry myself to sleep, eagerly awaiting the day I may travel with these two once again.
Your review is a very good analysis of the part of S&W that makes it enjoyable: the organic character growth, their familiar banter, slice-of-life setting, well rounded side characters, and the slowly simmering romance.

You don't mention, however, the insanely convoluted ways that they choose to involve Horo in Lawrence's crazy dealings. Or the fact that pretty much all the drama would be deflated with some more communication between Horo and Lawrence (the drama at the end of the pyrite arc falls apart if Horo had talked). Oh, and the standard anime trapping of brickwall male lead paired with tsundere female.
I can predict right now without having read the novel that S3 will feature even more insane and unlikely ways for Lawrence's personal and economic intrerests to combine in an effort to center the drama around the relationship with Horo.

What I will say for the show, is that it has some amazingly well-written, aptly placed and subtle dialogue, which I'm sure is pulled straight from the novel. Season 2 was actually more enjoyable for me than the first, due to these character interactions. Oh, and the OP is probably the best of the year.

6/10, enjoyable watch if you can forgive the flaws and sit back for the ride.
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