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Old 2004-07-05, 07:56   Link #26
Rockin' Alchemist
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Sweden
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Smudo
Maybe it's just me, but I cannot STAND the music from Monster! The opening theme sounds like the Temple of Time music from Zelda: Ocarina of time....and that ending theme.....I can't stand to listen to it....too slow....too english...
OMG, I totally agree! Well, the general music in Monster is great, it's just the OP and ED that is kind of awful. Especially the OP. It starts off pretty cool, but then deteriorates to something worse, a monster! Anyway, the song sounds off-tempo/beat and I don't like it. I only like the beginning of the song, which had a lot of potential, when I heard it. And what's with having an American guy singing the ED song?
(sorry for writing OMG, but I just had to ^^)

I also seriously dislike the Naruto ED called Telepathy (or Terepashii or whatever, the main point is that I hate it) and the recent FMA ED called Motherland. I don't think it's because of the songs, it's more of both being mood-breakers. Like if there's a really climactic scene in the end of an FMA-episode, the ED ruins it all, because it totally changes the mood. Bad ED! Well, I guess FMA 38 will provide us with a new ED, so it's not that bad. Also, the FMA OP (Cool Joke - UNDO) is AWESOME!
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