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Old 2009-06-01, 19:08   Link #20
Join Date: May 2008
Location: California
Age: 34
Ah I didn't know there was a thread for this game!

I'm currently playing Mizuha's route for completion's sake -.-; Both this one and Tsubaki's were pretty dull but everyone says Haru's route is the main attraction so I'm sticking with it, lol.

Gonna try to grind through the rest of Mizuha's route tonight.

EDIT: OK, just beat the route.

I feel like they were running out of time when coming up with the script for Mizuha's route, the whole thing felt so rushed! I thought we'd get some more info. on Yuki but all that really happened was she disappeared and just "came back" one day. Not to mention Mizuha's change in personally felt really abrupt. I think I stared at the main menu for a good couple minutes after the route ended wondering if that's really all I'm getting, lol.

At least I can get on with Haru's route now...

Last edited by kyosak; 2009-06-01 at 23:44.
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