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Old 2009-05-10, 04:21   Link #91
Rising Dragon
Goat Herder
Join Date: Jun 2008
Age: 36
Originally Posted by morbosfist View Post
You could argue the same for Kallen, who he wanted to go back to Ashford with him, or Nunnally, his sister. Shirley isn't the only thing tying him back to a normal life.
Though really, neither Kallen nor Nunnally could be considered "normal" in the sense Shirley is. Shirley is your average seventeen-year-old middle-class high school girl, who lives an average, everyday life like most people her age.

Kallen is your not-so-average seventeen-year-old high-class school girl who is also a guerrilla-warfare-waging terrorist, trapped in a double life that is slowly affecting her own lifestyle. Not normal.

Nunnally is the blind, crippled young lady who is also exiled royalty who, along with Lelouch, is in danger of possible assassination should her true identity at being the heir to the Britannian throne come to light. Not normal.

While I admit that Kallen and Nunnally can represent Lelouch's desire for normalcy, they're not the ideal representation for it because they are as far from normal as you can get without being a space-faring alien or an interdimensional demonic creature or a pizza-craving immortal witch. Shirley, on the other hand, represents it perfectly. A little too perfectly, really, as this is why she became such a tragic character in the first place.
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