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Old 2004-06-15, 02:30   Link #30
/Ultimate Magic Attack!!!
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Time Warp/Future
well, Jovians actually have some valid reason to attack Earth and not trusting Earth, the Earth government could be evil, but now they are more like cornered and fight for their lives. The Martian Successors are some idealist extremists.

Nergal is completely self-serving, with no regards to anything else. And I think that qualifies as evil as possible. When we say someone is evil, most of the time it's that guy is extremely selfish and can go to any extremes to benefit himself, including hurting and harming others, which is exactly Nergal doing. For their own profit, they don't care about human lives, they perform genetic experiments with no moral restrictions, they manipulate others through lies, threats and forces to do their bidding. If that's not evil, what is? I'd say Nergal is the only side in Nadesico which qualifies as truly evil.
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