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Old 2009-03-13, 12:51   Link #10
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error
Uhm there are too may holes to make a definitive theory, more informations are needed.

One thing that everyone overlooked is that the five masters key might not be the only mean to close and open the doors

say it in red:
-Only the five master keys can open/close the doors (involved in the crimes) of the house the guesthose and the chapel.
-There are no duplicates of the five master keys
-The doors involved in the crimes cannot be lockpicked
-The doors involved in the crimes are perfecyly normal doors without any device (other than the visible lock) that could open or close them. this includes any kind of autolock and remote lock.

Should even one of the above sentence be false the closed rooms could be explained

So far the most probable culprit is Kinzo whose wereabouts were competely overlooked. A clarification about the people that where present in the living room of the guest house at the time of Jessica and Kanon deaths is needed. Who was there? Can all of those people provide each other an alibi for the aforementioned crime?
Can they completely rule out the posibility that another person snook inside the guesthouse and killed Jessica and Kanon without them noticing?

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