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Old 2009-01-14, 23:19   Link #118
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Originally Posted by ShinMasaki View Post

Also, UBW only creates copies of swords seen, it doesn't mean that he can use their abilities. In short, he's much like Gilgamesh, able to summon them but not proficient in their use. His only real attack style is the one that focuses on the usage of Kanshou and Bakuya or his archery skill.

Archer is only kind of like Gilgamesh in that while Gil. is an "owner" Archer is a "faker" and actually CAN use the weapons to their greatest ability, as long as there's no requirement in the legend that he doesn't meet. (That limitation is why Shirou can only use the Caliburn special attack while Saber is also holding the sword) Part of UBW is tracing the history of the weapon and that includes every time it's ever been wielded and he's able to "download" that skill for himself, though it only applies to that specific weapon (and its more like the weapons are moving on their own).

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