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Old 2008-10-05, 21:14   Link #67
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Earth
I'm counting both seasons as a whole so I rate this 8/10.

There were several things that bothered me.
-Countless amount of loose ends such as C2's real name, true nature of geass, whatever happened to Kanon, Sayako, Xingke, etc, etc.
-The first 13 eps were slow paced and identical to the first season.
-The idiot Black Knights having such a happy ending without having to pay a single price. Can't believe none of them died!
-The bullet speed pace in the last 7 eps.
-Introducing too many new characters.

It's a shame that we'll probably never see what Director Taniguchi had originally envisioned Code Geass to be. However, just because the show didn't go the way he wanted doesn't mean it sucks. I was entertained throughout the entire show. I find it rare to see a mecha series with a such a bastard protagonist who's not even the main pilot (infact he's poor at piloting) and becoming the driving force of the events rather than going along with flow of the events. Overall, Code Geass is a very enjoyable series. It's something I definitely would buy on DVD.
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