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Old 2008-10-04, 21:21   Link #39
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Mmm code geasss... where to start?

First season was pretty exciting I really liked it. Now on to the second season...

The animation wasn't all that great there were a lot of stick man looking figures for half the episodes. Uhm the plot twists were amazing for the first 10 episodes or so of R2. I couldn't keep my mind off CG for days after the episode was shown, I was constantly daydreaming about it. I think they went too far however, with the plot twists it just started getting stupid and ridculous. In the sense that at first you would go "Ohhh that's pretty cool" or "whoa didn't see that coming"... after a while you predict what's going to happen, then you flip the idea 180 degree and you'll predict the plot twist. What I mean by that is Anya has Marianne's memories, Nunnally being alive [after freya]....

There was also too much general retardedness in the anime than what I would have hoped to see. A "general" can get himself and his whole army killed in like 3 minutes.... without any tactics or strategy he just orders them to charge...

Overall I really liked this series, the fanservice, the comedy and the characters. The action and the mechs also deserve a honourable mention. I would have liked more character development for the minor character but it was decent. If the plot twists didn't get so ridculous this series would have deserved a 8 or above. In my honestly opinion carefully analyzing what was wrong and good about this series, I would only give it a 6.5 [In terms of plot / general satisfication]. I fortunately am not a professional rater, so I can be as biased as I want. I'll vote a 9 because of how the series and the characters stuck to me, how amazing the voice actors were, how I enjoyed this series for the past 2 or 3 years.

10 for the characters, because they were well created, I couldn't help but fall inlove with them or totally hate them. [Ougi needed to die kthx]. They were absolutely amazing

-1 for the fact that absolutely every character in this anime loved Marianne or highly respected her, and yet when we actually see her she was a idiotic tramp...

voted 9 / 10
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