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Old 2008-09-04, 08:51   Link #21
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Land of the rising sun
Originally Posted by Kinny Riddle View Post
Last I heard, the Brits are still ruled by a Queen, albeit mostly in name.

If "Rozen Aso" wasn't that much of a ultra hawk, I'd probably be backing him by now to last at least half as long as Koizumi.

Anyway, what of the major opposition party, the Democratic Party of Japan? It's taken nearly 50 years since the War for there to be a credible opposition to the LDP (controlling the upper house and such) and still not much is known about them outside Japan. All I know is that the DPJ in its current incarnation formed around 1998 after various amalgamations over the decades, while its leader Ozawa Ichirou used to be a senior LDP MP. The current English wikipedia article doesn't reveal much either.

Domestic problems first and everything else like foreign affairs can be thrown in to the back burners for now.
As I have wrote earlier the main agenda for next election will be TAX HIKES I for one do not mind paying taxes but when I see how grossly mis-used then I will talk with my votes.
One more thing I can't stand how the LDP selects their head representative.
The electerial system is that the elected representatives(member of the upper and lower house) has one vote each counting to 182 and the entire remaining party members represents 312(?) votes.
How many party members are there anyays?
They've got to have more than one million party members aren't they?
So one regular party member's vote has only 0.04% of the total while the elected few who can meet regularly represents 3% of the total?
This system is a hot bed for deciding the next PM behind closed doors.

Last edited by Klashikari; 2008-09-05 at 10:12. Reason: starter line kinda unecessary
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