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Old 2008-08-28, 23:15   Link #22
Join Date: Jan 2008
This problem only seems to happen to me on mplayer extended, other compilations don't have this problem. Nothing in the logs indicate anything changes when I close the video window and try to open another file, this is what I see in my console log,
8/29/08 12:07:18 AM [0x0-0x13d13d].hu.mplayerhq.mplayerosx.extended[2008] Failed to get value of property 'sub_demux'. 
8/29/08 12:07:18 AM [0x0-0x13d13d].hu.mplayerhq.mplayerosx.extended[2008] Failed to get value of property 'sub_file'.
Let me clarify my problem. When I exit the mplayer toolbar it will not show up again until i completely exit the mplayer program and then open it again. If I use the separate video output and close the toolbar and open a new video file, the separate video window will show up but the mplayer toolbar will not.

Also I have a bigger problem that really bothers me, when watching videos in mplayer regardless of compilations is that video files seem to stutter which gets worse as the file progresses. I don't get the same stuttering problems when watching in quicktime.
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