Thread: School in Japan
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Old 2008-08-05, 08:16   Link #42
Youkai of Coincidence
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: The Border of Common Sense
Age: 34
Originally Posted by LiberLibri View Post
One of the most famous Magyar in Japan is P. Frankl, and he writes how advanced the mathetical education in Magyarország is. Seeing their achievements in IMO, I have an impression that Magyar people really are Math lovers. Is it Math that is torturing you or any other subjects? I hope you manage this year well.
Please, in an english forum, stick to the english name, aka "Hungary", as you stick to "Japan" instead of "Nihon". It's good to see, that somebody knows the real name of our country (because it has little to nothing to do with the Huns... except they were hungarians too, just they separated from the main tribes, and came here, then ceased to exist; when the other tribes arrived they were gone. And I'm was named after Attila the Hun...).

Yeah, I know about that, and yes, they teach Math intensively here. It's not just math, hungarians invented a lot of things, like Television, PC (Neumann János), the Nuclear Bomb and it's brother, the Hydrogen Bomb (Teller Ede), the hologram, the ball pen, etc, etc. It's called the Hungarian Miracle.

Math is always torturing me, but now I made it in the exam. What is torturing me is one of my engineering subject. In Hungary in most high schools we have to learn a trade. My parents sent me to an engineering school, despite that I hate engineering, as I am a humanities person. School changing is not possible.

Ok, enough about me. It's off topic, right?
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