Thread: School in Japan
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Old 2008-08-04, 01:14   Link #1
Autumn Demon
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Boston
Age: 35
School in Japan

I have a bunch of questions about what school is like in Japan.

How does a typical school day in Japan go structure wise? For example, in America it's common for middle and high schools to work on nine period days, where each period is a different class with different people. From watching anime it seems like it isn't like that at all in Japan, but rather each grade/year is divided up into classes (of how many students?) and each class spends the (entire?) day together learning from different teachers. Is that all correct? And also, does each class move from room to room depending on what they're learning or do the teachers move around and the students stay in the same classroom all day?

What are the core subjects in Japan? For example, in America I would say they are English, math, science, history, and foreign language.

Do students have a choice of which classes they take? For example in America students can often choose from many electives such as art, cooking, shop, band, chorus, orchestra, economics, journalism, computer science, statistics, psychology, etc.

Can students choose which second or third language they take? Which languages can students usually choose from?

Can students take advanced/honors courses?

Do elementary, jr. high, and high school all operate on trimester years?

I know high school isn't mandatory, but is it free for everyone?

What are the typical costs for private school and university?

Are grades important for getting into high school/university or is it just entrance exams that count?

The rest of the questions are more trivial:

About what percent of japanese schools have swimming pools and require their students to take swimming classes?

How many students would a typical elementary, jr. high, and high school have?

Are school grounds usually surrounded by walls with a gate at the entrance that closes when classes start?

Do most schools have flat roofs that students are allowed to go on?

Do all schools require students to do chores before and after school?

About what percent of schools require their students to wear uniforms?

Does every school have 7 mysteries?

How rare is it to see a teacher throw chalk at a student?

Do students really have to memorize square root values of non-perfect squares in math class? (The square root of 2 is 1.4142 for example.)

At what times does school usually start and end?
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