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Old 2008-07-05, 23:27   Link #2051
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Join Date: May 2008
The people of it's time would have all known about it and there's plenty of people who still know the legend. Although there's no legend that says Gilgamesh himself ever got his hands on Ea; so there is creative license. There's a couple of other reasons, for one thing the weapon itself is pretty old, for another it's made of the divine and not from mortal materials. It's implied to be different than Excalibur in that way, since Ex has a form within mortal comprehension.

Actually Ea is the wrong name for it. Because Ea was a god of fresh water in Babylon. The name "Enuma Elish" translates into "Epic of Creation" and is the name of an ancient story. So, they took a lot of creative license. Needless to say, the word "Giglamesh" doesn't come up at ANY point in said story.
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