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Old 2008-06-11, 08:27   Link #22
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Originally Posted by ZippyDSM View Post
HG should move to make deals for some money,at least let be known publicly they are willing to give from their position some but I guess things are already moving in that direction right and all thats needed isa US company willing to do the detail legal work to ensure what ever thats brought over is done so in a way that its potected from the IP swap macross has bee in over the years.
To a degree, that's pretty much exactly what Harmony Gold's been doing (or at least what they say that they've been doing). The Toynami cooperation is certainly a step in the right direction, but it'll probably take more than that before we see anything substantial brought over to R1.

Originally Posted by ZippyDSM View Post
It is an interesting quagmire, now heres a question how many other shows have been made into another IP like SDF/Robotech and how many modern contracts would easily let a series be "remade" to such an extent.

Altho looking at 4kids it seems anything is possible, then again I might picking out extreams.
Modern contracts are written and signed much more carefully than they were in the past. Some Japanese companies don't care too much about what's done in terms of localization (a lot of them have no idea how the R1 market works), so we get stuff like the 4Kids treatments. One big difference is that pretty much all modern licenses have an expiry date, so we won't see problems like Macross/Robotech drag on for decades any more.

Originally Posted by ZippyDSM View Post
Frontier leads to zero anything to push interest into another set of discs is always a winner and if theres enough momentum they can bring over 7, 7 has not aged so well its still a solid show it just looks a bit faded perhaps they have better masters...maybe recolor/remaster it abit.... but its going to be a long while until they can build up the macross franchise some before they will bring out M7..... altho if Galaxy Angel can be dubed and brought over....M7 has a much better chance at making profit... as long as US macross fans are not into "serious" anime.... then again i get a feeling M7 has enough in it to bring in a wide swatch of fans.
The problem with Macross 7 doesn't have anything to do with the content or perceived quality of the show. It's that, reputedly, Victor Entertainment owns the music rights separately from the animation rights, and that they are asking for as much just for the music rights as the anime license itself. It's pretty much impossible to get one and not the other, so Macross 7 is going to sit unlicensed for a very long time.
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