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Old 2008-06-11, 00:36   Link #20
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Originally Posted by ZippyDSM View Post
2 reasons they don't bad blood and more trouble than they care to get into, they are making a good profit off what they have no need to do anything yet, someone will probably come to them on bended knee for the US distro rights and they will act as a middle man for any issue to arise but that wont be for awhile not until the right company comes along or the legalies are very truely clear.

The chips seem to be falling into place perhaps with a few more the right company can come along and work out al the trouble spots to make a deal with Big west,money speaks no matter how bad the blood but who/what/when where, who knows but the chips are falling into place.
That's probably the best thing that could happen for Big West or North American Macross fans, but it'll take an R1 company willing to take that kind of risk of nasty legal fees (ADV is probably the most likely choice since they seem to have a good relationship with Harmony Gold). Another problem is that Macross licensing fees are notoriously high; or at least that's the story floating around for Do You Remember Love, Macross Zero, and especially Macross 7. Macross Frontier is the first one to come around to really justify that kind of fee.

By the way, I can't entirely blame Harmony Gold for this mess because it's sort of natural for a business to try to protect what part of the property they can. However, their actions have still thrown a big monkey wrench into the works.

Originally Posted by ZippyDSM View Post
While I tend to not buy anything retail anymore the Macross brand will do well in the states and is a long time coming but even I can only stand to shell out 3$ an ep at most...still wish they would make better sub discs and sell them cheaper...I'd rather buy sub only than a americanized dub >> (don't worry I am a media nazi,I think Xmen films suck and spider man 1 was better than its crappy least Iron man was solid..the new hulk flick looks bearable as well )
The reason I think that a Macross Frontier R1 release will be very successful is because the old time Macross fans seem to love it and it's really the first chance that any of them have of buying new localized Macross material in over a decade. As a big bonus, it looks really good, and a lot of new viewers can (and have) picked it up.
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