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Old 2008-05-28, 20:48   Link #38
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: England
Age: 37
He babbles on for 20 minutes about the over-use of translator notes and additional text covering the screen, but then when he discusses typesetting, he completely negates all that argument by saying "you shouldn't do neat typesetting - a simple translator note will do." I wonder how he would go about doing that 'professionally' if there is more than 1 sign on the screen at once, or maybe if someone is speaking at the same time? It's obvious that this pretentous twat doesn't realise that the "professional" fansubs are the way they are due to the limitations of DVDs that aren't a problem in the fansub world. Maybe when we become more professional we'll start encoding MPEG2-PS episodes and do away with mkvs.

He has some valid points though, I don't think it's neccessary to keep in the sans and chans for anime set outside of Japan where the honorifics are irrelivent, but in the opposing case, it's almost necessary to keep them in sometimes or you completely lose the meaning behind what's being said. I'd love to see his attempt at translating SZS puns into understandable english and retain the humor in them too. It's clear what viewers prefer anyway. Fansub watchers are interested in the Japanese cultute/language and are grateful to fansubbers for retaining cultural references and sometimes educating us with notes.
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