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Old 2008-05-28, 19:54   Link #33
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Virginia Tech
I really disagree with him on certain points. Namely, a lot of the point on TL. I mean, Kogarashi-san or Yume-chan or whatever is usually invisible to me now, anyways, but it is just sort of special. It allows for people to see name differences and relationships easier.
And his "excessive TL notes" are true. Some fansubs do use far too many TL notes to explain things that they could've put in English. But, they are necessary at times. For instance, when they talk about food, or traditional ceremonies in Japan. Like, I enjoy seeing fansubs with a note saying Taiyaki is a pastry with jam in it, not ones that call it "jam-fish-bread" or whatever. But do it once, no more.
The excessive font usage is true. That's why whenever I freelance a parody, it gets encoded in size 30 arial. There's no need to have fancy fonts on the screen.

The karaoke is DEFINITELY true. I despise karaoke in all forms, and have since like January. Since that show is licensed, I won't mention it here. But, what that karaoke did was incredibly stupid. It added in an animation for karaoke, fansubber credits, AND TLed the original credits. As a result, the OP was nothing but text.
OP's are made for their animation, not for dancing text. For instance, look at To Love Ru. I've seen that from many fansub groups, all who do karaoke. But, you just cannot watch what's actually going on. Either you're distracted by the staff credits, or you are stuck trying to pay attention to the animation while the text is just dancing away. I didn't watch TLR's OP for real until episode 5, when I started fansubbing it myself. And I think watching the original animation has been a MUCH better experience than seeing a bunch of text dance on screen.

The typesetting has a point, but it holds less merits. I've never noticed typesetting, personally. But, it is nicer that being left in the dark or seeing some on screens. On screens are just as distracting as TL notes, so he was hypocritical to say that they should start making on screens instead. So, I'm for typesetting. However, I'm against stupid typesetting. Like, typesetting some remote sign that has nothing to do with the anime to begin with.

As for his editing comments, he really was far off the mark. He was showing times when an editor should have done something differently. He just assumes it is shown as is because TLs wanted it that way. No, it's usually that an editor misses it because it looks fine in their eyes.

He should have talked about timing. Because scene timing is OBVIOUSLY much worse than the old ways of injecting fansubs and sometimes missing a line completely. [/sarcasm]

He had a good point at the start in saying that competitive quality fansubbing exists, and it is stupid. Honestly, just let whoever gets it out first get it out first, and then release a high quality release. Multiple quality groups competing is just rediculous.
Heck, fansubs are a tool. They aren't an art. You get fansubs to watch what you can't understand in Japanese. I'd much rather go for something out fast that looking for "artsyness"
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