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Old 2008-05-28, 18:13   Link #26
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Funny how I just stumbled must be my first time in this section of the forum

I think the guy really do complain a lot (and hold some serious grudge on the group subbing one piece, not that I watch it).

He probably hasn't heard of the term "beggers can't be choosers" as I am certainly am grateful that we have fansubbers taking their time to translate something for stangers to enjoy or otherwise we none Japanese literate fans won't have this experience in the first place.

There are really too many points he has tried to pick on but they are rather silly imo.

Those examples where he comically add subtitles to a movie prove a point fell completely flat on it's face. I should question why and english language movie would need english subtitles if he is willing to mock why the name of the police station in a scene from death note was placed on top of the original (on top as in above it).

Another nag he was picking on was the use of "selective bullshitting" as he puts it. Whilst he may have a minor point about not translating "onee-sama" he then goes to bash the fansubbers for tanslation words like "you" and "I". If he thinks that fansubbers are being undecisive to be annoying then he is wrong. He needs to look someone up on how sentences flow naturally.

I had a real laugh at when he pointed out the fault with not translating "ahoge" then translating "book worm" (or something like that). Imagine injecting "shut up miss sticking up hair" into the sentence...err sorry, but it just doesn't flow

Well I can say that someone wasted half a year of their life more than me

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