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Old 2008-05-20, 00:35   Link #91
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
I'd like to get R1 for the DVD video/audio quality (japanese) .... the DVD technology for subtitles kind of sucks so I'll often turn them off if no one else is watching.
The subtitle *script* is usually pretty decent if uninspiring.

Dubs.... well, dubs have gotten better in the last year or two (I've been able to watch Kanon and Lucky*Star dubbed without bleeding to death) -- but they keep using the same 10 or 20 voice actors regardless of whether any of them actually fit the role or not. I can't think of a single english VA that has the skill to take on a proper Horo and I kind of cringe at what would probably result.... I'm still scarred from the horrible casting for Aoi in Ai Yori Aoshi even after several years. I loved Aoi yet in the english dub I wanted to strangle her in about two minutes.

To ramble the topic, I'm kind of disappointed we've not seen more Horo figures. I've only seen three and they were kind of average... well, one was just bad (the Horo'on'knees one).
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