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Old 2008-05-17, 16:13   Link #40
King of Hosers
Join Date: Dec 2005
Age: 41
Originally Posted by WanderingKnight View Post
I've been talking to the mplayer guys at their IRC channel. They said none of the core developers is working on that feature at the moment, and that it's a lot of work, since there are a lot of potential security issues (accessing files behind the user's back), but that obviously it's a feature in the to-do list. In fact, they already implemented something similar with mov files, so it's not unlikely for this feature to arrive soon.

This quote does not give me too much hope, though:

14:09 < reimar> or to cut it short: I can understand why they did it and it may be the best that can be done, but the developer
                in me considers this just a horrible mis-feature which leads to very low motivation to do anything about it.
This seems to be the case. After browsing through mplayer/ffmpeg-devel mailing list the last time MKV chapter support was mentioned was almost 5 months ago for mplayer. Right now they are adding mkv chapter support into ffmpeg, but are ignoring some important bits like editions.

Interested developers = things get done. None are interested or will be interested in the nearby future if they think no one is using the feature. Either you need to start killing the people who are using it and know about it :3 (so it doesn't proliferate anymore), or encourage its use so new developers or old ones finally get the motivation to work on it. Opensource software is definitely slow moving at times but if the demand for such a feature is that high I'm sure their concerns about writing "hacks" instead of good modular code which works in all situations can be alleviated. It's either do you want the code within 6 months or god knows how many years @_@. Just mildly browse some of those threads I linked, as of current they believe no one is using the things we are talking about. Of course they are not going to waste their free time coding something which they believe is going to have almost no impact whatsoever. If you tell people to not use the feature in their MKVs it only makes the possibility of implementation even less reliable than it is now. This is not something where you are going to get your horse before your cart on *nix.

IMO, the developers are going to continue to be disinterested because of the low number of files which use it, and also of course the "" involved. And as explained it will be a fair amount of work. So if you enjoy having a small number of files which don't link, I guess you can continue saying you'd rather have people not switch to segmented linking. But what does that do for all the files which are using it, and the people already deadset in using it? I can only see this number as increasing as information regarding its usage becomes more freely available and well known....not decreasing.

Here is Haali's ancient unveiling of Ordered Chapters and Linked Segments. Long time ago.

Last edited by Nicholi; 2008-05-17 at 16:27.
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