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Old 2008-05-17, 11:24   Link #36
Gregory House
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Age: 35
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Now that people actually know about the feature and how to use it (/me blames self for not writing some stupid guide years ago) the tendency to use it is likely to rise. You should be encouraging more people to use it so it has a higher chance of getting implemented. Otherwise you are just going to get stuck with the small growing percentage of files that have it, while you still don't have the feature implemented into your player. Also I seriously doubt you could find something which will "only play" on Linux. Typically code from these types of opensource projects are written in a platform-independent way. No one wants to use something which is hardcoded to a single platform, it has no way to grow that way. This feature is by no means platform dependent to Windows, it is simply that no one on your team (I lawled when I wrote that) has taken the time to do it :P. So pulling the "only plays on Windows" doesn't ring that true in this case. Also it's not some hidden closed proprietary standard that no one knows about thus no one can code anything without figuring out how to reverse engineer the process. Ask some people nicely for the feature and you might get it. Only reason it's not there now is because it requires....uggg effort.

Haali isn't exactly proprietary either, if you ask him nicely he will also show you things.
Hey, it's cool. I mean, I'm not blaming Windows or anything, it's just a bit sad that it's the only platform where this is available. I mean, I guess I could blame it on Haali not being open source, but meh. I guess the only way is mailing the ffdshow/mplayer guys (no thanks, I don't want to have anything to do with VLC ).

I also imagine that, based on the low complexity of the feature, that this is not really something too difficult of implementing.

(By the way, there seems to be a feature request dealing with this in the mplayer mailing list, but it's a year old and no one replied to it ).

Place them in a box until a quieter time | Lights down, you up and die.

Last edited by WanderingKnight; 2008-05-17 at 12:08.
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