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Old 2008-05-11, 07:41   Link #35
Holy Beast ~Wuff!~
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Originally Posted by Wesley84 View Post
There's one reason an electronic system wouldn't be preferable; foreginers. Sheryl would be broke as soon as she left Galaxy if all her wealth was filed away electronically. That is assuming they can't update credit information real-time between the colonies, which I don't know if there's any evidence of them being able to do so.

It's really kind of hard to say since Macross is more culture centric, rather concerning itself with economic sense. Like a popular restaurant chain seen in the first Macross series is seen on a colony in a later one. Is this evidence of a small buisiness expanding itself or a cultural icon moving with it's people?

The fact that many giant Zentradi are accomdated for, and not just small goods and merchandise, but an entire humongous mall built to their size, indicates that on Frontier at least, they prefer cultured living.
There is such a thing as decentralized banking, I'm certain that the basic banking information for clients, especially ones as famous as Sheryl, will have off fleet accounts, preferably with reliable on-planet banking facilities, perhaps Eden or even Earth.

It makes sense, that if you can do it here on earth then no doubt they would think in the Macross Universe the concept of "backing up" is probably one of the most religiously followed proceedure for any thing, just in case some aliens crash your pad and exterminates everyone and everything...

....yeeeaah unlikely. but you know those Macross humans, so paranoid

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