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Old 2008-05-10, 10:34   Link #27
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Tak View Post
They do this, absolutely, but even those 'reconfigured' vessels require a large hose of Zent battleships as escort, usually numbering in the hundreds, if not thousands, and would be troublesome to covert them all.

Moreover, the Zents were born as giants. They like being giants and they prefer the right of being giants despite now part of the UN SPACY. A lot of Zents tend to feel offended if they were forced to miclone forever. With the sole exception to Earth, every colony and planet of the UN SPACY have facilities for both Zents and humans.

Not to mention a lot of Zents find it inconvenient to convert, and since most vessels, and I mean, an overwhelming number of ships in UN SPACY are of Zent origin, configured to house giants, there just wasn't much of a reason to miclone themselves. You raised the point about putting giant mechs in these vessels, but I doubt the economic feasibility of that once it goes beyond single digits of ships.

It might not look like it, but humans, us miclones, are actually a MINORITY in the Macross world, and within UN SPACY, even.

- Tak
Maybe working Zentrady vessels does require giants (I'm not totally convinced of that, but whatever.), but, well, when it comes to things outside of work... Like eating. A Zentrady sized sandwich would have to be reinforced with steel, or it'd fall apart. And clothes, which have already been mentioned. And movie theaters places. Or real estate. Everything would be much more expansive.

It'd be different if going back and forth was difficult and they had to choose once and for all, but Klan seems to show it isn't so (her lolification notwithstanding.)
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