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Old 2008-05-07, 22:14   Link #11
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: seattle, wa
Age: 38
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Hello out there to all the subbers I am a mature, goal orientated male fansubber looking for the right editor. Basic info on me I am 32 years old Asian male I am 5'1 I am medium built, short black hair clean cut, and thick glasses. I am looking for a fansubber who wants to build a serious fansub group to improve on quality. I consider myself different. I don't tc or ts, I am not into the karaoke or afx scene either.

I'm a quiet person, like to play computer games, watch animes, and be on irc to talk to guys. I am pretty much a big kid who likes to have fun and would like to meet someone new to share my interests.

As I said before I am very goal orientated right now. I pretend I work a full time job that is very VERY flexible and I can make alot of time for a fansub. I am also a very open person who is very blunt and doesnt have a problem saying what is on my mind. If I don't like what you're saying I'll simply just kline you.

What I look for in a subber well as I said who is just about the quality of anime, however someone who is smart, has a good head on their shoulders, honest, open minded, faithful, and goal orientated to meet deadlines. I am not a picky person. Right now I am open for anything as long as it is free and legal of course *wink wink*. If you have kids that is ok too, just make sure they know how to do the following: Translate, time, and typeset. I am very good with kids being that I am a big kid at heart and if they want to learn how to encode, thats fine with me too.

Well I like to thank you for taking the time to read this and if your interested drop me a message. Hope to hear from you soon thanks again for reading this
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