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Old 2008-05-07, 17:09   Link #85
Go to DMC! Go to DMC!
Join Date: May 2008
Originally Posted by Tak View Post
Except, the point I am making is that, as an artillery piece, the VB-6 require the least UPGRADE compare to other variable equipment possessed by the NUNS. Certain real-life military equipment, such as artillery units, usually end up on the bottom of the list for upgrades, as priorities are often provided to front-line combat units such as tanks and fighters. Thus why the US of A still retain the B-1 and F-117 bombers for DECADES while we've seen numerous frontline fighters rolling out from the assembly line.
There's also another reason that frontline fighters tend to get new revisions and replacements compared to things like artillery - they also often have a higher turnover rate, and the technology arrayed against them is usually upgraded MUCH faster than that used against bombers and artillery. Yes, new artillery pieces and concepts can and are introduced, but there's usually only so many ways to huck a chunk of steel and explosives across a long distance to do damage to an enemy. You can upgrade the thing throwing them by increasing its range, its payload, or its mobility; but that's pretty much it, and with the changes in how wars are fought, with an emphasis on using front-line fighters and fighter-bombers for just about all the missions you used to have a bunch of dedicated craft doing (which include the F-117, B1, and now B2 bombers)... it doesnt' make sense to spend all that money upgrading your bombers when your new fighters can do a similar job ALMOST as well.

The VB-6 Konig Monster, as far as I can see, is almost unique in providing the same type of firepower that other Destroids brought the original Macross and UN Spacy, but with the greater mobility that being able to fly gave the Valkyrie compared to its contemporaries. They may not have NEEDED other heavy-firepower units since then, which results in the VB-6 being used decades after it was being designed, especially as VF's have seen an increase in their strike capability due to steady improvements in gun and missile technology.

Originally Posted by Tak View Post
As for them paying homage, look, its not even all that fascinating. Macross F is not the first Macross series to pay homage to old series. We've seen VF-1s and the MONSTER in Macross PLUS. The VF-1J was used EXTENSIVELY in Macross 7, as well as seeing the original MONSTER in action. Since VF-X 2 was released well AFTER the two shows finished their run, and that its treated as canon, its only sensible to bring the MONSTER, now upgraded into the VB-6 to Macross Frontier. Yeah, its NICE to see the Monster back again, but its not like the producers INTENTIONALLY wanted to pay homage. From a production standpoint, its a lot easier to use what is already available. Certainly saves them a lot of trouble coming up with another brand new unit.

- Tak
It's not the fact that they'd be paying homage to Macross that it would be fascinating - it's just that fighter at the end of episode 5 DOES look like a VF-11, although it could just be a non-VF craft with a fold booster to allow it to travel. The VF-1J that you mentioned being used in Macross 7 was not front-line, but was available to the colony ships as well as to private individuals, so even if that craft we see at the end of the episode is a VF-11, it doesn't make it front-line, or even military.

As for canon, I'm just happy to see some of these older units which appeared only in the games make their onscreen debut in the series.
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