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Old 2008-04-13, 11:52   Link #92
Join Date: Jan 2007
Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
And how is that different from how Japan was oppressed? Britannians oppress Numbers because it is their JOB too.
Britannians oppress Numbers as a job?

Cecile did that? Lloyd did that? The Student Council did that? Euphemia and Nunnally did that?

Hell, even Schneizel never did that.

Suzaku knows people like them exist and that if they use each other, they could change the system.

There is no excuse; Suzaku joined the army, and that means he knows he will have to kill innocent people overseas. He joined up anyway, which means this job of his was done out of his own free will. You can't dismiss mass killing of people defending their nationhood as a "job".
I'm not even sure about that. There's still the story of the woman who took care of Suzaku BEFORE he actually joined the army and that dead woman may be the actual reason why he joined. And he joined the army to prevent deaths, even if he gets killed for it. Which is basically what happens in episode 1, save for the watch pocket.

But now, that doesn't matter for him. All he wants now is to sacrifice others to achieve his goal, just like Lelouch does it.

Indeed, if that's Suzaku's mentality, he will NEVER be able to change Britannia. Everyone in Britannia is doing their job, just like him. Thus if doing one's job can mean a lack of moral responsibility, then Britannia is perfectly fine and does not need to change at all.
Doing your job then amassing power to be able to create change is basic in this world. That's why promotions exist.

Nice try, but Suzaku lost that moral highground when he joined the European Front.
I never said Suzaku had a moral high ground now. I'm saying, stop hating on Suzaku for things Lelouch would have done to achieve his goals.

Remember, Lelouch sacrificed his entire army for his sister.

They are now the same people who sacrifice others to achieve their ends.
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