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Old 2008-04-13, 10:16   Link #58
Join Date: Jan 2007
Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
That's all well and good, but not even the biggest Suzaku fan can defend his action of participating in the invasion of Europe.

Unless you think Europe, which had been holding Brittania back for decades, will lose anyway because "Britannia couldn't be beaten", and they should all just die under Suzaku's sword for his benefit?
Ah, but that is altogether now a different matter. The biggest mistake people do with Suzaku is they mix up what he does with what he thinks. (Also, his past actions with his reformed actions. Suzaku's dynamic character will disallow people from correctly analyzing him until the very end.)

And I was only talking about why Suzaku does enforce the orders as a Britannian soldier on Japan.

Europe is NOT Japan.

For the Europe part, Suzaku is His Imperial Majesty's Knight. As a soldier, it's his job to mess them up if he wants to keep his position.

I thought OotBK was more like Celestial Beings. They're both trying to change the world no matter what. Suzaku's just trying to calm the world by force.
Celestial Being's initial goal was to police the world then change it. Suzaku also wants to police Japan so the killing stops THEN start a change without the killing. With his position, he may be able to do so, depending on how the Black Knights fare.

Does anyone know if Suzaku's aware of the state Area 11's in? I mean it's way worse than the start of R1.
It is highly likely that he does. Area 11 had an open rebellion. Considering the fact that it's Britannia that we're talking about here, Area 11 being reduced to a remedial territory makes logical sense for them, as well as for Suzaku who will possibly have no ability to make any current changes yet.

He doesn't care what state it's in. Suzaku has no intention of helping anyone for real, he just want to keep fighting until he dies, at which point the world's troubles would have nothing more to do with him.
He want Zero dead first, of course. Though it beats me why he let Lulu live the first time.
Now that's just pure unadulterated hate flowing there. Suzaku wants to help. He even says that he'll change the world from within even if he betrays his "friend" in Lelouch. He let Lelouch live
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