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Old 2008-04-11, 20:46   Link #67
Join Date: Apr 2008
Kittie Rose's theory about C.C. being Eris is very interesting. I had not considered that C.C. might be a godess. But I think that there are very few greek refrences in the show. Even the Ganymede refrence could be in connection to the planet Jupiter, since it is one of its moons, instead.

When Kittie Rose started discribing Eris's attributes, I started thinking of the Irish godess Morrigan. She is a godess associtated with sovereignty,prophecy, war and death. But what really got me excited about this particular goddess as a canidate for C.C.'s identity is that she is sometimes associted with Morgan Le Fay from the Arthurian Legend. She is also associtated with crows, which could give us our wings.

I thought this sort of gave a symmetry with Arthurian legend if we consider.
C.C. = Morgan
Lulu = Mordred (King Arthur's bastard son who wants to kill him)
The Emperor= King Arthur
V.V. = Merlin

V.V. as Merlin sort of threw me since he seems so young until I thought of T.H.White's interpertation of Merlin growing younger rather then older.
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