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Old 2008-04-09, 20:30   Link #18
Inattentive Dreamer
Join Date: Oct 2007
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Daisuke CP9 View Post
Really? They both have their wild sense of power either way, as if his expressions and ep 12-14 didn't prove it enough. It's a matter of handling power, yeah he cares for other people, but he still acts like Light towards his enemies. It's all about how you look at power. :heh He also used Geass irresponsibly at one time, causing one of the biggest massacres in the series.
I too am in the camp that Light and Lelouch are more similar than a lot of people would care to admit. I just think the overall tones of the respective shows paint them in different lights, not necessarily their personalities or actions. They both would sacrifice the innocent if they had to. They both try to achieve a noble goal through not-so-noble means. The only real difference is that Lelouch has people he cares about, whereas Light doesn't.
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