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Old 2008-03-13, 02:44   Link #49
Translator Level 4/10
Join Date: Feb 2008
Again, another amazing episode...The only thing I want to say is that as it turned out, Lawrence wasn't even considering honeyed peaches at this point. He just apologized. But in the end, it wasn't Horo that was mad at Lawrence, it was Horo that was mad at Horo, so she didn't expect him to do anything to apologize, because she really believed it was her fault for being selfish in "forcing" Lawrence to take her with him. However, Lawrence (the softy he is) doesn't see it this way, and harbors no ill will towards Horo. He's just sorry for exploding like that, end of argument. and this ticked Horo off, who wants him to yell at her because she knows she did something wrong.

Anyway, loved the reconciliation, and am looking forward to the last two episodes +OVA, and wondering if that can really finish up this section of gold smuggling. Looks close, but it should be okay, with everything wrapped up.


At the end of the episode, the company looked forebodding. It wouldn't surprise me to see them go to the church about the gold smuggling, (some kind of profit would be given to them for this somehow) Then Lawrence and Horo are arrested, Lawrence gets killed, in a rampage Horo goes mad and destroys half the village before dying from loss of blood from numerours wounds, Nora escapes into the woods to have a mercenary group hired by the church come after her, and they're all dead.

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