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Old 2008-01-22, 11:50   Link #186
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: ALASKA!!! W00t! I'm BACK FINALLY!!!!
Age: 36
I was wondering if anyone who's familiar with plot and literature could comment on AIR's plot structure. I found it quite unique and non-standard. It has tons of sub-plots, and lots of plot twists, however, the most unique things were its retelling of the Dream Arc story, which effectively rewrites it as you're going along, and how it tells you the backstory in the middle, which ends up carrying over into the Air Arc. Since the Summer Arc is being resolved in the Air Arc, that effectively means that you have both the Air Arc's plot and the Summer Arc's plot going on at the same time. What makes this even better is that each plot development has a different meaning depending on whether you take it from the context of the Summer Arc plot or the Air Arc plot! So, by the end you have a plot going on on 3 different levels.

1. on the level of the Dream Arc's plot, which is now being resolved,
2. on the level of the Air Arc, where Sora's perspective adds a very satisfying "everything fits together!" feeling, and completely rearranges the Dream Arc's plot structure with its new information.
3. on the level of the Summer Arc plot, which is being resolved in tandem with the Air Arc, and whose conclusion contrasts with the Air Arc's conclusion.

Anyone else have any info?

Last edited by Ziv; 2008-01-22 at 12:00.
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